Heather Kemp www.homestudio1.com


Welcome to my blog. Here you will see my videos which will often include a new painting or photograph. I have set up this blog as a vehicle for me to express myself, bless others and direct traffic to my homestudio1.com photography website. I am a mom of 5 and a gramma of a growing family. :) The last 12 of my 31 years of parenting have included being a homeschool mom. When my 2 youngest came to an age where they were very independent I was encouraged by my amazing husband to do something for me. My habit was always to serve others and I found it very challenging to just paint, although there are days when I would love to do that; but coming from a family of 9 and having my own fairly big family, I never really did develop the ability to just think of me. I am learning how to take a bit more time for my desires lately and this is the result. I have a desire to not only bless others but also to include others in this part of my life. I sure hope that you are blessed by what I am putting out there. I would love to hear from you, make connections and see what you are doing. Please feel free to share anything that you like. :) Here are some places where you can find me: https://www.youtube.com/user/Creatingphotos www.homestudio1.com https://twitter.com/HeatherPhotoArt https://www.facebook.com/gotohomestudio1 http://about.me/heatherdawnkemp ca.linkedin.com/in/heatherdawnkemp/ Blessings to all.


The Whole World Knows

Hearingissweet's Blog

I think it would be safe to say that the whole world knows that what we think about and what we say usually happens depending upon how strong our faith in those words are. 

At one point in my life I had learned about a skill of getting to understand the emotions and work through them by drawing hearts. So one day when my granddaughter was upset I got 2 pieces of paper and some crayons out and we sat down to draw our hearts. The rule was that we had to use different colours to describe how we are feeling in our heart at that particular time. Then we would section up the heart and colour in the various parts labeling them and then expressing what was happening and how we can make the desirable parts “bigger” and the undesirable parts “smaller”. My grand daughter started by making a legend beside her heart, similar to the ones…

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In the Quiet Spaces.

In the Quiet Spaces.

Confederation Park, Plein Air oil on canvas 2013.

Everybody Has A Disability

I love what Cassi says near the end.
“If we are not moving forward in our life then we are just being wasteful and it’s disrespectful. We were given the opportunity to live on earth and to touch other people’s lives…and if we were so upset or angry about life circumstances that’s being disrespectful”

Seth Adam Smith

Cassi Baird Cassi Baird

How do you move forward in life if you have a physical or mental limitation? How do you move forward in life if you have a disability?

“Really, everybody has disabilities,” says Cassi Baird. “Some you can see and some are internal. But anybody can do anything that they want as long as they put their mind to it.”

Born with cerebral palsy, Cassi Baird shouldn’t even be able to physically say those words—and yet she did. Cassi is a living, breathing example of moving forward against impossible odds.

In February 2013, I had the opportunity to interview Cassi and her parents and talk to her about how she has overcome the obstacles in her life. Watch the incredible interview below.

For as long as I live, I will always be opposed to any philosophy that preaches that you can’t choose. I will always be opposed to any…

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Great Expectations Doubled!!

I had the pleasure of taking photos of this beautiful momma. She is expecting twins! She is also one of the expectant momma’s who won the Celebrating Motherhood Contest at homestudio1.com …I have two photos to share for now. 🙂 enjoy! 

2 poses more to come.

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Through the Valley and on to the Blessings

When trials get you down, I believe it is best to learn from them and then continue to stand up for truth and do what is right, then with perseverance the blessings will come. This video is jam packed with children’s art and a poppy painting as well as a link to a Canadian Artist for her music. 🙂  Don’t forget to rate this video. 🙂 

It’s Done!

I finished my oil painting of poppies. It is 24 X 36 inches. I will be working on the video for the next 5 days or so…keep an eye out for it. 🙂 

Thanks for all your encouragement and support everyone. 🙂

Five Poppies.

Five Poppies.

Poppies In OiL.

I’m excited to be commissioned for a painting of poppies in oil on canvas. 

Here is a photo of the progress so far of the painting, the canvas is 24 in x 36 in … the video with the painting will follow shortly.

I am thrilled that my sweet niece Christina commissioned me to do this painting, Thank you Christina! I feel so loved that my family likes my work enough to commission me to do it.

Keep an eye out for the finished piece. 🙂

Please feel free to leave a comment and share my page. 


This is an oil painting that is in progress.

This is an oil painting that is in progress.

Floral Vessel Creation

Ceramic Floral Sculpture

Ceramic Floral Sculpture

Here is a sculpture that I did while at A.C.A.D. http://www.acad.ca/ceramics.html

It is approximately 22 inches in diameter at the opening of the form, and approximately 36 inches in length. It was hand made using slabs, and for the large flower, a mold was used to support the slabs until they were firm enough to remove. I worked on the form in the mold making it silky smooth on the inside. I painted a white Terra Sigilatta and then burnished it. When the form was rigid enough to lift out of the mold I then babied it and kept it propped up on a foam slab with other pieces of foam to cradle it in the position that I wanted it. I then built up the stem pieces and sculpted the florets.

Here is an article from Ceramic Arts Daily that gives the recipe for Terra Sigilatta http://ceramicartsdaily.org/pottery-making-techniques/ceramic-decorating-techniques/terra-sigillata-101-how-to-make-apply-and-troubleshoot-terra-sig/

I absolutely love working in clay and especially creating handbuilt forms that flow and exude my idea of the folds of a flower  which speak to me of the fragility and complexity of life.

It has been 18 years since I was in college and I long to re-examine the forms from creation that inspire me like: flowers, leaves, pods, shells, protozoa, mushrooms just to name a few, and then recreate those elements in clay vessels.  🙂

One of my First Poppy Painting Videos

Here is one of my first poppy painting videos. WordPress thank you for the opportunity to share videos. 🙂