Heather Kemp www.homestudio1.com

The Whole World Knows

Hearingissweet's Blog

I think it would be safe to say that the whole world knows that what we think about and what we say usually happens depending upon how strong our faith in those words are. 

At one point in my life I had learned about a skill of getting to understand the emotions and work through them by drawing hearts. So one day when my granddaughter was upset I got 2 pieces of paper and some crayons out and we sat down to draw our hearts. The rule was that we had to use different colours to describe how we are feeling in our heart at that particular time. Then we would section up the heart and colour in the various parts labeling them and then expressing what was happening and how we can make the desirable parts “bigger” and the undesirable parts “smaller”. My grand daughter started by making a legend beside her heart, similar to the ones…

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